This is an explanation of what might appear for you on the quick links page. The items here depend on your site's license, security role, active events, and your status as a trainer or evaluator.
Quick Links Tab
This is an explanation of what might appear for you on the quick links page. The items here depend on your site's license, security role and active events.
Active Courses
Click this link to view a list of the courses events currently assigned to you. This information can also be found in My Courses.
Click this link to view a list of the qualification events currently assigned to you. This information can also be found in Qualification.
Training Expiration Report
Click the link to view or export a report listing pending requalifications. Note that this report is only found in the Quick Links area of the VISION Learning Station. •Course Title: The title of the course. •Event Title: The title of the course event. •Event Start Date: The day that the course event became available to users. •Event End Date: The day that the course event will no longer be available, if applicable. •Instructor First Name: The first name of the user who was marked as the "instructor" for the course event. •Instructor Last Name: The last name of the user who was marked as the "instructor" for the course event. •First Name: The full first name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station. •Last Name: The full last name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station. •Username: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station. •Date Completed: The date on which the learner completed the course event. •Retake Frequency: How often the learner must retake this training. •Date of Requalification: The date by which the learner needs to requalify. |
My Information
Click on the My Information link to see information on your user account as well as exam scores and percentage complete.
Create Action Tracking Item
Click the Create Action Tracking Item button to create a new action tracking item.
Certification Reports
Click the Certification Reports link to view learner's certification records.
Exam Proctoring Sessions
Click this link to add or manage existing proctoring sessions.
Proctoring Sessions
For exam proctoring, exams will no longer be proctored by requesting a proctor's username and password. Instead, an administrator proctor will create a "proctoring session" in Quick Links. With the session, a "session code" will be provided, which either the proctor, proctor's assistant, or the student will then enter into a prompt on the proctoring screen.
A proctoring session consists of a name, start date, start time, and duration. The session code is only valid for its duration after the start date and time have passed. Any number of learners may use this code. Administrators may create proctoring codes on behalf of proctors, and users with the property “Can Proctor Exams” set to “yes” can create a proctoring session for themselves. To add a proctoring session: 1.Go to Quick Links and click the "Exam Proctoring Sessions" link. 2.Click the +Add Session button 3.On the next screen, create a: •Name: The name of the proctoring session •Proctor: If being created by an administrator, the proctor's name may be selected here. For other users, this option is not available. •Start date and time: Date and time on which the session code will first be usable. •Duration (Days): The length of time for which the generated session code will be valid. The maximum may be set by an administrator to a number of days, with an upper limit of 365 days. 4.Click Save Session. 5.Copy, memorize, or distribute the generated Session Code as needed. The code will work only during the session duration. CAUTION! Session codes may be used on multiple exams.
NOTE: The time value may be entered for a prior time, so if you want the code to be valid for only two hours, set the start date to yesterday's date, and time to two hours from the current time. Set Duration (below), to 1 day. Session codes will be entered in masked characters, so that neither test-takers nor the browser will be able to see and remember it. |
Requests Tab
This tab contains training, evaluation, and survey requests that require your response. If you are an evaluator or a trainer you will see all training or evaluation requests in these tabs.
Training Requests
This is a list of requests for training from learners working on a qualification card. •Qualification Card Task: The name of the task that the learner needs to be trained on. •Requested By: The first and last name of the learner requesting training. •Respond Button: When you click this button you will see more information about the request and have the opportunity to Accept or Reject it. •Accept All Button: Click this button to accept all of the listed training requests. |
Tasks to Train
This is a list of training requests that you have accepted. The qual card is listed as well as the requesting learner. •Qualification Card Task: The name of the task that the learner needs to be trained on. •Requested By: The first and last name of the learner requesting training. •Release Button: Click this button when you have finished training the learner on the task. •Release All Button: Click this button when all of the learners listed have finished training on their tasks. •Train Button: click this button to view the Task Performance Evaluation. All of the material displayed here is entered into the task's properties in the VISION Developer module. The following tabs will be available: o Evaluation (OJE): Lists the task's Conditions, Standards and Comments. o Training (OJT): Displays the task's OJT (if available). o Procedure: Lists Links, Conditions, Standards, and the Procedure Statement for the task (if available). o Instructional Materials: Displays the task's instructions (if available). o Document Links: Displays the documents linked to the task (if available). |
Evaluation Requests
This is a list of requests for evaluation from learners working on a qualification card. •Qualification Card Task: The name of the task that the learner needs to be evaluated on. •Requested By: The first and last name of the learner requesting evaluation. •Respond Button: When you click this button you will see more information about the request and have the opportunity to Accept or Reject it. •Accept All Button: Click this button to accept all of the listed training requests. |
Tasks to Evaluate
This is a list of evaluation requests that you have accepted. •Qualification Card Task: The name of the task that the learner needs to be trained on. •Requested By: The first and last name of the learner requesting training. •Release Button: Click this button when you have finished training the learner on the task. •View Button: Click this button to view the Task Performance Evaluation. All of the material displayed here is entered into the task's properties in the VISION Developer module. The following tabs will be available: o Evaluation (OJE): Lists the task's Conditions, Standards and Comments. o Training (OJT): Displays the task's OJT (if available). o Procedure: Lists Links, Conditions, Standards, and the Procedure Statement for the task (if available). o Instructional Materials: Displays the task's instructions (if available). o Document Links: Displays the documents linked to the task (if available). •Release All Button: Click this button when all of the learners listed have finished training on their tasks. •View Multi Button: Click this button to view the Multi-Qualification Evaluator Event(s) page where you can add scores individually or for several learners at once. Click the blue "information" |
Click this link to view a list of the survey events currently assigned to you.