
These are the courses that are assigned to you. There are four tabs that display your courses:

•Active Courses: These are the courses that you have not completed yet and that you need to finish.

•Upcoming Courses: These are the courses that you will be able to start soon.

•Completed Courses: These are the courses that you have already finished.

•Uncompleted Courses: These are the courses that you have not completed, but have expired, so you cannot complete them.

You can view information about them or even start them by clicking the blue title links. You will find the same list of Active Courses on the Quick Links page.

Course Process

There are several steps to completing a course in the VISION Learning Station, but you may not have to do all of them.

1.Register or be registered for a course. Instructors or administrators might register you for a course automatically, but you will be able to register yourself for some courses by clicking the Public Courses button.

2.You can start a course by navigating to My Courses either from Quick Links or the Training area. Once there, click on the Course Title link to view and start the course.

3.On the Course Event's display, click the blue lesson title link to start the course. Afterward, click the Practice button to start the assessment practice (if applicable), and then start the assessment with the Start Assessment button.

My Courses Display

Course Catalog Course Catalog Button

The Course Catalog is a listing of all courses and their assignments to job positions.

Public Courses Public Courses Button

The Public Courses are Course Events that learners can see and can register for, either with self registration or by requesting registration from the instructor.

Courses List

View a list of courses. Courses are separated by tabs and by type (General, Initial, and Continuing), but the information for each tab and type is basically the same.

Courses List

•Course Title: The title of the course. Click the link to see course event. On Active courses, you will be able to start lessons or assessments from this page as well.

•Available: The date on which this course became available.

•Instructor: The name of the person assigned as the primary instructor for this course.

•Status: Whether you have not started, started, or finished this lesson.

•Progress: The percent of the course components that you have completed so far.

•Evaluation: Whether or not a required evaluation is attached to this course event. If an evaluation is Required, you must complete it in order to complete the course. You must take the lesson in order to start the evaluation.

•Urgent: You must complete this course as soon as possible.

•Required: Whether you are required to take this course.

•Self Withdraw: Whether you may withdraw from this course. If you can withdraw, you may do so by clicking the Withdraw button at any point prior to starting an exam. Note that if you withdraw you will lose any progress in the course.

Course Catalog

General Courses

View a list of courses that are not associated with a specific organization or job position. Click the title link to see course details.

Job Position Courses

View a list of courses and their associated specific job position. Click the title link to see course details.

Public Courses

Title Link

Click on the link to see Course Details for the course event.

Start Date

The date on which the course will be available to learners.

End Date

The date on which you will no longer be able to complete this course event.


The name of the person assigned as the primary instructor for this course.

Register Register Button

Click this button to enroll in the course event. When you do, a green "Enrolled" button will appear.

Course Details

Course Type

The way in which this course is intended to be taught, either:

•Self-Paced, Web: The learners will take the course and test individually, online, and according to their own schedule.

•Instructor Paced, Web: The learners will take the course and test online but adhere to an instructor's schedule.

•Instructor Led, Classroom: Learners will take the course from an instructor in a classroom setting.

•On the Job Training: Learners will be instructed in job tasks one-on-one in a normal work environment.

•Externally Assigned Unit: The course will be delivered by an outside LMS through an AICC link.


The name of the person assigned as the primary instructor for this course.

Lessons List

•ID: The VISION Developer module system ID number of the lessons contained in this course event.

•Title: The name of the lesson as it is entered in the VISION Developer module.

•Assessment: The name of the assessment profile associated with this lesson.

•Objectives: The number of objectives in each lesson. Click the blue arrow to view the list.

Course Event Lesson List

This is a list of the lessons that make up the course event. You must complete all of the lessons, and any evaluations listed here to complete the course event.


Your current status regarding this course event.

•Not Started: You have not yet begun this course event.

•Started: You have begun but not finished this course event.

•Completed: You have finished the lesson.


click the blue link to start the lesson. If you do not have time to complete the lesson, you will be able to begin again where you left off.

The date below the lesson title is the time in which this lesson will be available.

Practice Assessment

If a practice assessment is available, you will see a Practice button. Practice Button Click it to start the practice assessment. This assessment will not affect your grade for the course event, but depending on the course's settings, you may be able to test out of the course if you pass it.


If an assessment is required for this course event, there will be an assessment button here. Assessment Button Click it to start the assessment.


You may be required to review any questions you missed on the assessment. If this is the case, remediation will begin as soon as you complete the exam.

Date Completed

This is the date on which you have or will have completed the course event.


Any optional documents associated with the lesson will be linked here.

Course Evaluation

When you have completed the course, you will be able to take the course evaluation.

WarningThe course evaluation may be required. If so, it will be marked with Required and you will not receive credit for the course until you complete it.