Request Training on a Qualification Card

1.Click on Qualification.

2.The qualifications you need to complete are listed under the Not Completed tab. Click on a blue qual card title for the one you need training on.

3.Information will be displayed for each task on the qualification card. You can click on the blue task link to view it.

4.To request a trainer, click on the blue Request Trainer link.

5.The task will be displayed next to a list of trainers. Check the box for each trainer you'd like to request training from and then click the Submit button. Each trainer that you selected will be sent a training request and will be able to approve or deny it. After your requests are sent you will still be able to return to this screen and request other trainers.


Train Now Button: If your trainer is available and ready to train you, you can click the Train Now button. This will log the current user out of the Learning Station, and present a prompt for the trainer to log in. The trainer, on logging in, will be immediately prompted to train the task. When finished, the trainer should then log out, and let the user log themselves back in.

Request as Required in Course: This message indicates that this qual card is a placeholder for a corresponding course in which you will be able to request a trainer and evaluator. Use that course instead of this qualification card.

Unable to Request Evaluator: This message indicates that a request was sent for the same task from some other performance assessment or qual card that has the task on it. If you have started a task in qual or course, you must complete it in the same one.